阿尔卡特拉斯岛 贝博体彩app最热门的机票是什么. 我们建议提前订票.



恶魔岛 被评为前三名的游客 景点 在城市里,在旁边 金门大桥 传说中的 缆车. 这是有原因的.

Besides offering spectacular views of the city and the San Francisco Bay from its rugged shores, “岩石”沉浸在历史中. From housing the most dangerous criminals in America to becoming a symbol of Native American resistance, the story of 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 is so full of dramatic plot twists that it's no wonder the island has been the subject of many Hollywood films.  那么,让我们从头开始.



The Ohlone indigenous people occupied much of the San Francisco Bay Area for more than 10,比欧洲人早了一千年. Evidence shows that 恶魔岛 was not only an important transport hub for them, 但它也是一个食物聚集地. Eggs from large waterfowl were collected on the island and fishing off its shores was common. Evidence suggests that the island was also used as ceremonial site and to isolate community members who violated tribal laws, 预示着它后来的命运.


In 1775, 胡安·曼努埃尔·德阿亚拉, 一个包租加利福尼亚海岸的西班牙海军军官, 进入了贝博体彩app湾.  他给这个岛命名 La La de las alcatrace because it was covered in large pelicans, which he mistakenly took for Northern gannets (alcatrace 在西班牙语). 仅仅一年之后, 方济各会传教士从陆路到达贝博体彩app, 建立了多洛雷斯教堂 要塞 (军事前哨)在海湾边缘.


恶魔岛 was turned into a military outpost designed to protect the entrance to the bay from invasion, 因为它位于一个面向大海的战略位置. The United States took the island in the Mexican-American War of 1848 and by 1859, 经过大量的建设和防御, 恶魔岛是密西西比河以西最强大的军事要塞. 它也成为西海岸第一个灯塔的所在地.

甚至在它正式成为监狱之前,阿尔卡特拉斯岛就被美国军队使用.S. military to hold prisoners because the ice-cold waters and strong currents surrounding it made escape virtually impossible. 内战期间,邦联的同情者被送往恶魔岛. In 1895, 一些印第安人, 尤其是来自亚利桑那州的霍皮人, 因为抵抗美国的侵略而被送到岛上.S. 政府的土地法令和教育计划.


从1898年开始, 该岛的监狱人口继续增长, 受到美西战争的刺激. In 1907, 它被命名为官方军事监狱,1912年, a 600-cell holding complex was completed on 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 (which still stands today) along with a mess hall and hospital to serve it.



1933年,美国退出欧盟.S. Department of Justice took control of 恶魔岛 and turned it into the nation’s top maximum-security penitentiary. Meant to hold America’s most “incorrigible” criminals, it was retrofitted to be even more secure. Each prisoner had their own cell and there was one guard on duty for every three prisoners—all to make escape impossible.

在很多方面, the creation of 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 as a maximum-security prison was caused by a single factor: prohibition. 随着1920年禁酒令的颁布, the United States experienced a crime wave unlike anything ever seen before in the nation's history—and this crime was organized.

也许恶魔岛最臭名昭著的居民是艾尔·“疤面煞星”卡彭, who served four years here after wardens realized he was still running his Chicago-based crime ring from his prison cell in Georgia. 另一个著名的禁酒时期黑帮, 乔治·"机枪"·凯利, 因绑架罪在恶魔岛服刑17年. 被联邦调查局列为“头号公敌”的黑帮分子, 阿尔文·卡皮斯·卡波维茨在恶魔岛服刑25年, 比其他犯人的时间都长.


没有哪个恶魔岛的校友像“鸟人”罗伯特·斯特劳德那样有趣. A self-taught ornithologist who kept and studied birds during his time at Leavenworth Penitentiary, 斯特劳德在刺死一名狱警后被转移到恶魔岛. 被诊断为天才和精神病患者, 他在监狱里写了几本关于鸟类学的书, 甚至发现了一种常见的禽类出血性疾病的治疗方法. 

伯特Landcaster, 谁亲自见过裹尸布, 1962年的电影《贝博体彩》描绘了他的生活。, 可在亚马逊Prime上购买, 这部电影是根据托马斯·E. 盖迪斯.



5月2日, 1942, 贝博体彩app居民, 被警笛的哀号提醒, 聚集在海滨观看恶魔岛升起的烟雾. A group of prisoners, led by bank robber Bernard Coy, had broken into the prison gun gallery. 武装自己,释放其他囚犯, 他们把几名警卫扣为人质,要求一艘船把他们带离该岛. The rebellion soon turned into a shoot-out and the military arrived to help the police and guards. The cell block that Coy and his gang had taken over was attacked with grenades, setting it on fire.

囚犯们尽可能长时间地反抗, 但最终, 在三个头目死亡之后, 他们放弃了斗争. 两名警卫被打死,14人受伤. The 48-hour siege has been dubbed “恶魔岛之战” and has been depicted in several movies 包括 the TV miniseries “阿尔卡特拉斯岛: The Whole Shocking Story”, 是通过囚犯克拉伦斯·卡恩斯的视角来讲述的, 企图越狱的主要策划者之一.



根据联邦监狱局的数据, 在恶魔岛作为高度戒备监狱的29年里, 有14次不同的越狱尝试涉及36名不同的囚犯. 所有这些人不是被抓住就是在这次行动中死亡, 除了三个,但他们是否成功逃脱仍然是个谜.

6月12日, 1962, prison guards found the beds of Frank Morris and brothers John and Clarence Anglin stuffed with dummies. 根据FBI的说法, the prisoners used a homemade drill fashioned from vacuum cleaner parts to get into an unguarded utility corridor and then onto the prison roof, 一直到海岸线, 然后用50多件监狱雨衣搭成木筏. 在岸上发现了木筏的碎片, 还有一个橡胶密封的包裹,里面装着与这些人有关的信件, 但这三个人的踪迹从未被发现.

Nobody knows the fate of these three men, but the FBI says it's “unlikely” they survived.


阿尔卡特拉斯岛 Prison was officially closed on March 21, 1963, by Attorney General Robert Kennedy. With crumbling facilities and the expense of having to ship all food and supplies, 维持岛上监狱的运作在财政上是不可行的. 精神疾病和自杀在恶魔岛上也很常见, as prisoners said that being able to see life go on as normal just across the water was torturous. All in all, 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 housed more than 1,500 men over the course of its 29 years as a prison.


1969年11月, 一个由近80名印第安人组成的团体, 由莫霍克族的理查德·奥克斯领导, 占领了恶魔岛并占领了近两年. 自称为“所有部落的印第安人”, 该运动的目的是在岛上建立一所学校和文化中心, 以及建立一个永久的社区.

该运动引用了1868年的《贝博体彩app》, which states that abandoned state property can be ceded back to Native Americans. 而尼克松政府反对占领, 它得到了许多美国人的广泛支持, 包括演员简·方达和摇滚乐队Creedence Clearwater Revival, 谁访问了这个岛并为这个事业捐款. 然而, 1971年6月, President Nixon sent federal troops to clear the island and the occupation came to an end.



In 1972, 金门国家娱乐区是由国会创建的, 将恶魔岛置于国家公园管理局的控制之下. 现在, 每年有超过100万人参观恶魔岛, 使它成为全国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一. 迷人的历史遗迹, 是美洲原住民权利的重要纪念碑, a natural wonderland that offers spectacular views of the 金门大桥 and the San Francisco Bay Area, 该岛已成为贝博体彩app真正的标志和必游景点.



海洋Malandra was born in San Francisco and grew up in the 北海滩 neighborhood. 报道食品的自由记者, 旅行, 还有环境, 他的作品在30多家不同的媒体上发表过, 包括 7 x7杂志, , Mongabay, 今日美国旅游, 地球岛杂志, 文化之旅, 抛物线杂志, High Times杂志, 粘贴杂志.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.